
Posts Tagged ‘entertainment’

…are you who you want to be?

This song by Switchfoot really shook me at the core when I was examining my life. Yes, we do have to deal with life circumstances, but there is a lot we CAN DO to change our situation!

Be sure to scroll past the video.

Please ignore the timing being off in this video.  They otherwise did an awesome job of editing and putting together the content.


This is your life

My goal is to help as many people as possible with these issues we all deal with! Be sure to subscribe via email or RSS so you don’t miss any posts! If you know of someone who would benefit from the info in this post and in my blog and you would like to share with them, please click on the appropriate link below!
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What has our quest for more gotten us? Do we have ‘more’ than ever before, or have we ended up with less?

In America, the first 7 or so years of the decade brought a great deal of growth and wealth in our economy. Property values were appreciating, unemployment was at low rates, we were all enjoying the ‘good life’. Many went to college and got their 4 year degrees, taking out student loans looking to be repaid once they entered the workforce.

The Housing Industry Crisis

As a new mortgage officer entering the business in fall of 2006, I came in just in time to see the downfall of the housing industry. I saw people who were able to borrow and buy a house that would require a monthly payment of 60% of their PRE-TAX dollars. I saw people who were refinance ‘happy’ and eager to pull out all the cash value their house had gained, borrowing up to 100% of the value of their home. Many times, they were doing this to payoff credit card debt they had accumulated or to take a lavish vacation. After all, they could afford the monthly mortgage payment!
recession ahead

Eventually the whole chain of events began, Wall Street, layoffs, housing sales declined, and it became a vicious cycle. And people were paddling like crazy to stay above water.

In our quest for more, we put ourselves in a precarious position. Before the ‘recession’ began,  Americans were consistently spending 106% of what they earned. How is that possible, to spend more than you make? By using credit. By charging, by borrowing. It also means they were not SAVING any money. And when their jobs disappeared, they were in trouble.

recessionAlso, as housing values fell, many people were in houses with mortgages that ended up upside-down, owing more than the house was worth. Early on, banks were attempting to get homeowners to refinance at a higher riskier rate, or to come up with the ‘extra’ amount that they were over the value of the home. Even though our situation was better than most, we had a home equity line of credit that was not maxed out, thank goodness, but the bank reduced it by 20%, because they said our house value had depreciated.

recession 2

Spending, Good or Bad?

Since the recession has come and hung around longer than any of us had hoped, now Americans are spending about 96% of their income. What does this mean? We are actually spending less than we make. We are not borrowing, we are SAVING. What a unique concept.

Now, there is a delicate balance here, one I don’t completely get and I am not an economist, but evidentally Americans saving is BAD for the economy, whereas Americans spending is GOOD for the economy. The catch 22 is that saving is GOOD for the American family, and spending beyond our means contributed to this whole mess in the first place.

So, have we learned anything from the recession? I’d like to think so. I think that family’s are reassessing what is really important. A $20k minivan will work just as well as a $50k prestigious SUV.

We don’t have to have the latest and the greatest to be happy. We can take our kids to the park and run and play and bike with them. Forgoing the extravagant Disney vacation for a smaller quieter vacation close to home at a beach or lake.

family on beach

The Most Important Things in Life are FREE!

You see, the important things in life are not things after all, they are PEOPLE. They are those in our towns and communities that need someone in their life to reach out and befriend them. Relationships matter!

picnic with friendsWhen the resources are not there for buying and spending and financing expensive activities, families and couples, and groups of friends find that there are much less expensive ways of entertaining, and they usually involve human interaction. We are spending more time in our backyards, playing family games, hanging out with friends.

Shopping, which was the great American pastime for so, many has lost its glamour, as we see how unimportant ‘things’ are. Many are turning back to what our ‘original’ forms of entertainment were- spending time in nature, enjoying the beauty that God has given us, no matter what area we live, whether it is the deserts of Arizona, the beaches of Virginia, the Rockies in the west or the marshes in Florida.


family-going-for-walk-in-fallWe all hope and pray that the economy will turn around and pick up soon, and that people will be working again. It will take a long time for America to recover, especially the housing market. I also hope and pray that the lessons we learned during this time, that things don’t matter, but people do, will not be forgotten. That even when we have more disposable income, we don’t waste it, that we use it wisely, and that we continue to build and cherish the relationships that we have built.

Disclaimer– I know that I basically lumped all Americans together in this post. I do know that there are many who did try to do the right things. I am not throwing darts at anyone. My goal is that we ALL learn something from this mess!

If you would like to share how the recession has changed your outlook on life, and changes you have made, I would love to hear them!

My goal is to help as many women as possible with these issues we all deal with! Be sure to subscribe via email or RSS so you don’t miss any posts! If you know of someone who would benefit from the info in this post and in my blog and you would like to share with them, please click on the appropriate link below!

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Resources for Simple Living
Love Life not Stuff
Slow Down and Enjoy Relationships
How to Live a Better Life with Less

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I know we normally like to blame our messes on our kids, lol! This time though, it is no one’s fault but my own!

Songs have so much meaning to me. It amazes me that lyrics can reach so deep within me. This past Saturday, we saw Switchfoot, an alternative Christian band in concert.They have several songs that speak to where I have been lately. I want to only tell about one at a time so you have an opportunity to benefit from each one individually.

The first one is Mess of Me.

I have pasted the main lyrics below so you know what they are saying, but there is a lot of repetition, so I did not post all of it. Jump to the bottom to get my take on this song!

Mess of Me

I am my own affliction
I am my own disease
There ain’t no drug they could sell,
Ah, there ain’t no drug to make me well

There ain’t no drug
There ain’t no drug
There ain’t no drug, it’s not enough
The sickness is myself

woman in cornerI made a mess of me
I wanna get back the rest of me
I made a mess of me
I wanna spend the rest of my life alive

We lock our souls in cages
We hide inside our shells
It hard to free the ones you love,
When you can’t forgive yourself

I made a mess of me
I wanna reverse this tragedy
I made a mess of me
I wanna spend the rest of my life alive

My personal Mess

If you have read some of my other posts, you know that I have been through some major emotional and mental trials lately. I also feel that a lot of them are spiritual as well. You can read about some of them here.

I tend to want to be in control of my life, but when I fight so hard for that, this is what I get, a mess! I have to learn, over and over again, that while, yes, I do have some control over my life, that God is ultimately in control. If I try too hard to hold on, He has to show me that I cannot do and be everything to everybody, that I have to depend on Him. I am a strong woman, but what I must not forget is that the strength I have comes from Him.

The more stubborn I am, the bigger mess I get and this time it has been a DOOZIE! I am hoping that this time I will learn a little more than I have in the past so that I can avoid winding up in this same mess again. As human beings though, we tend to have a bad memory when it comes to matters of the soul and spirit!

woman praying
The cool thing is, He is standing by, waiting and watching over me, for me to finally reach out to Him and say,

‘I made a mess of me, I can’t fix this, I can’t do it on my own, I need You!

What about you? Have you made a mess of things in your life? Have you reached out to Him for help?

My goal is to help as many women as possible with these issues we all deal with! Be sure to subscribe via email or RSS so you don’t miss any posts! If you know of someone who would benefit from the info in this post and in my blog and you would like to share with them, please click on the appropriate link below!
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It’s the little things that bring a smile to your lips and peace to your soul. If you can quiet the noise, you can see and appreciate these gifts that God brings our way.

Things like-

  • a butterfly flying through the air
  • my little puppy mesmerized by that butterfly
  • a text from my sweet husband
  • a smile from my son, now a young man
  • my grandbabies saying “I love you, Nana!”
  • watching my entire family play in the street 🙂
  • My son preparing to be a daddy at 19
  • my daughters learning to be strong, but still gentle

When this song first came out, I didn’t really listen to the lyrics. After a while, it really began to move me, and my 17 year old daughter, who is a reader of my blog, suggested this song for a post. There is not an official music video, but the girl who put this together did a great job. Take a moment and listen to the lyrics.

What things do you tend to overlook? As you go through the rest of your day, make a conscious effort to really be present in the moment, and enjoy the the little things that make this life grand.

My goal is to help as many women as possible with these issues we all deal with! Be sure to subscribe via email or RSS so you don’t miss any posts! If you know of someone who would benefit from the info in this post and in my blog and you would like to share with them, please click on the appropriate link below!
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This is a fantastic movie for any woman to see. I have not finished the book yet, but I felt compelled to see the movie right away as Elizabeth Gilbert speaks to some of the same issues I am dealing with right now.

Let me make a disclaimer first. I know there are a lot of opinions about this movie and book and I respect your right to your opinion. This blog post is not meant to debate the good or evil of Liz Gilbert’s choices or the quality of Julia Roberts acting. I am writing about how this movie resonated with me at this point in my life.

I also want to make another disclaimer. As a Christian, I do not agree with all of her spiritual findings. I believe, however, that God can use all things to teach us, and several of her revelations in Eastern religions resonated within me.

Let me explain. Liz felt she had lost herself, she had no idea who she was anymore. She had always ‘had’ to have a guy to complete her. Her mind was tormented with her own thoughts of who she was ‘supposed’ to be, and other people’s expectations of her. She could not find herself among all the noise.

Elizabeth Gilbert Prays in India

One part that so moved me to the core of my being was when she is at the ashram in India. Her friend Richard, who had quite a bit of wisdom, told her quite bluntly. “Groceries (his pet name for her), you have too much going on up here in your mind. There is too much of YOU. You have to get before God, be quiet and meditate, and empty all that stuff out. Once it is empty, God will fill you with so much love!” (this is the best remembrance of his words, not exact by any means). There is no way I convey the intensity of this scene. It was amazing!

Those words shot like an arrow through my heart. You see, my brain is overflowing, constantly racing. Beating me up for what I should and should not be doing. For what I should or should not be feeling. If I was a ‘good’ Christian, I should be able to pray and move beyond this. I cannot stop the noise. 

My Journey

Now I am not going to India, or Bali anytime soon (although I WOULD like to go to Italy!) however, my sweet husband is sending me on personal retreat to Savannah, just a couple of hours away, for a week. Due to my recent meltdown and anxiety, he is joining me for the first 2 days to settle me in, and then I will be left on my own. 

My plan is to spend some time with my Bible and my journal and to pray and to learn to be quiet. I want to learn to use a type of guided meditation, with scripture and music, to help me to clear MY mind. There is WAY too much of ME in there. I have to empty all that out. I feel that God is preparing me for something better in my life, my next step, but I have to learn to get out of the way first. I have to quiet the noise so that I can hear Him.

Empty Me

I have to empty me of me so I can be filled with Him. American Idol contestant Chris Sligh expresses so well how I feel right now in his song “Empty Me”. 

I know that my writing can be a little raw and personal at times. This is part of my therapeutic process and I also hope that I can reach out to someone who may be where I am, or maybe help you catch yourself ‘before’ you sink as deep as I did. I appreciate any comments you may leave, but if you’d rather not share on the blog, click here to email me privately. If you know anyone who you feel could benefit from my blog, I’d love for you to share it with them.

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